“Today, the world is born anew,” says our Rosh Hashanah prayer book. The High Holidays are indeed a time of renewal — renewing our connection to one another, and renewing our commitment to bring out the best in ourselves and in our world. We look forward to gathering with you!

Below please find information about our holiday service schedules, as well as babysitting sign up, ushering, related programs, and tzedakah opportunities.


Please note RSVP is required for all service participants.

If you need any special accommodations to participate in our services — including large-print prayer books, assisted listening devices, wheelchair accessibility, or anything else — please contact our office so we can best be of assistance.

Open to Congregants

The following services are open only to congregants and their overnight guests.
(If you are bringing guests, please consider making a donation to the synagogue to help us sustain our work.)

Rosh Hashanah

  • Erev Rosh Hashanah Service – Wed 10/2, 7:30-9pm

  • Rosh Hashanah Day I Morning Service – Thurs 10/3, 9:30-11:30am

Yom Kippur

  • Kol Nidre / Erev Yom Kippur Service – Fri 10/11, 7:30-9:00pm

  • Yom Kippur Morning Service – Sat 10/12, 9:30-11:30am

Please click here to RSVP for babysitting on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur morning services. Due to a high response rate, and based on space and staffing limitations, we unfortunately cannot accept “walk ins”.

If you have any questions, please contact the Director of our Early Childhood Center, Sarah Gregoire.

Open to All

The following services are free and open to the public.
(Non-congregants: please consider making a donation to the synagogue to help us sustain our work.)

Rosh Hashanah

  • Family Service (recommended for Grades 3 and older) – Thurs 10/3, 1-2pm

  • Young Family Service (recommended for Grade 2 and younger) – Thurs 10/3, 2:30-3:30pm

  • Rosh Hashanah Day II Morning Service – Fri 10/4, 10am-12pm

Yom Kippur

  • Family Service (recommended for Grades 3 and older) – Sat 10/12, 1:00-2pm

  • Young Family Service (recommended for Grade 2 and younger) – Sat 10/12, 2:30-3:30pm

  • Afternoon Discussion Group – Sat 10/12, 2-3pm

  • Afternoon, Memorial (Yizkor), and Concluding Service – Sat 10/12, 4-6pm

Other High Holiday Programs

Youth Shofar Ensemble Rehearsal
Sunday, September 22 10:30-11:00am & Sunday, September 29 10:30-11:00am

Learn how to sound the shofar, and join our ensemble of shofar blasters at Family and Tot Services on the High Holidays! Contact Cantor Robin Joseph for more information.

Reverse Tashlich
Sunday, September 29, 2-4pm

At the Rosh Hashanah ritual of tashlich, we symbolically cast our wrongdoings into the ocean. At our Reverse Tashlich, we’ll do the opposite – and remove garbage that has come to pollute our waterways. Contact Harry Waksberg, Director of Jewish Education, for more information.

Friday, October 4, 12 - 1pm — MacEachron Waterfront Park (100 River St, Hastings-On-Hudson)

At the beautiful Hastings waterfront, we’ll symbolically cast into the Hudson River everything from this past year that we’re ready to let go of. This event is family-friendly.

Teen Tashlich Kayak Trip
Friday, October 4, 1:30-4pm - JFK Marina and Park (1 John F Kennedy Memorial Dr, Yonkers)

Teens: board a kayak, paddle out into the river, and symbolically cast into the Hudson everything from this past year that we’re ready to let go of. Click here to RSVP (required).

Sukkot Potluck
Friday, October 18, 6:30-8pm

Bring your favorite dish (vegetarian), and join us in the Sukkah for a festive celebration of Sukkot. Contact Harry Waksberg, Director of Jewish Education, for more information.

Simchat Torah Story Slam
Friday, October 25, 6:30-8pm

The Jewish people’s most sacred symbol is not a person or a place, but a story -- our Torah. At Temple Beth Shalom’s Simchat Torah Story Slam, we'll hear true stories told live by congregants (in the style of The Moth). This event is rated PG13.

Tzedakah (Righteous Giving)

Our High Holiday Prayer Book teaches that “repentance, prayer, and charity [tzedakah] can help us transform our lives.” Please consider a donation to either of these tzedakah organizations.