From early childhood to seniors… Families, couples, individuals… Reading, singing, studying and celebrating the life cycle together. Some who believe, some who doubt, all who question — building together a sense of community and hope.

The Talmud teaches: God spoke the Ten Commandments in one voice, but they were heard in seventy different languages.

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism, we are a trans-denominational, liberal congregation of over 400 families serving the Rivertowns and beyond, with a Nursery School for 2-, 3- and 4/5- year-olds, a Religious School for kindergarten through high school, and an extensive selection of adult education programs. A weekly Shabbat service on Friday evenings; Friday evening congregational events to observe traditions, Holiday services; films, choir and music; lifecycle events from birth to Bar/Bat Mitzvah and from weddings to memorial services; social action, tzedakah and moral issues that face the Jewish people and the world at large — are all part of our programs.

Upcoming Events

Tu Bish’vat Climate Seder / Feb 12 / 6:30-8 pm

Tu Bish’vat emerged as the Birthday of Trees in Talmudic Jewish wisdom nearly 2000 years ago. It welcomed the yearly rising of sap and new beginnings. Reimagined by 17th-century Jewish mystics, it has become a celebration of the bounty of earth, deep in ritual metaphor.

Save the date and join us at TBS for own take on Tu Bish'Vat.

Wednesday, Feb 12, 6:30 - 8 PM.



Please consider making a donation to honor a lifecycle event, a loved one, or as part of our annual giving. Your generous support helps us provide ongoing programs and activities.


Rabbi Daniel Reiser and Cantor Robin Joseph lead our congregation. Meet them both here.